Early Childhood GLAD®/Preschool GLAD®
GLAD® in Early Childhood Training Information
GLAD® in Early Childhood is about creating a rich environment of language, ideas, and concepts. While it is copyrighted as Preschool GLAD®, it is a great match for early childhood educators working in preschool, kindergarten, and 1st/2nd grades looking for ways for students to engage in learning at their entry points with multiple ways to respond.
This training includes one day of theory, research, and strategies to prepare teachers for the four-day classroom demonstration. Teachers see the strategies in action with students, plan their upcoming unit, and deepen their understanding of language development and the needs of language learners.
OCDE GLAD® in Early Childhood Research and Theory Workshop Agenda
Day 1 8:00 am – 3:30 pm (may shift by 30 minutes)
Day One
- Opening: Welcome
- Outcomes, Agenda, Learning Agreements
- OCDE Preschool GLAD’s®
- Professional Development Model
- Research: Early Childhood Development
- Walk the Walls: Early Childhood GLAD Strategies
- Closing
OCDE GLAD® in Early Childhood Classroom Demonstration Agenda
Day 2-5 8:00 am – 3:30 pm (may shift by 30 minutes)
Day Two-Five
- Welcome and Overview
- Morning Preview
- Classroom Demonstration
- Lunch
- Processes and Debrief
- Collaboration and Planning
- Closing
Contact Lisa Meyer at lisa@dlenm.org to find out more information.